Nature Connection


Wild Animals

We are all part of nature, not separate from it. Like all wild animals, we have evolved for thousands of years to live as part of the natural world. Our instincts and behaviours are still much the same as when we were hunter-gathers. These natural instincts dictate much of how we live our lives, our emotions, our reactions, our desires and our needs. We are inherently wild. Despite this most of us remain disconnected from our natural environment and our natural state. We believe we are separate from nature; we don’t feel we need to engage in all of that dirty uncontrolled animalistic stuff, we think we are above it. But are we?

Mindfulness Hastings

If we allow ourselves the time and space in nature, we will quickly discover that our senses and instincts are far more attuned than we could have imagined. If we look up from our phone and open our eyes, listen, feel and touch you will find a world that expands our perceptual parameters beyond all previous limits. We only need to stop, to breathe in, we connect with the world through our senses and it comes out in the form of nothing less than poetry. 

When we walk into the woods, we should be aware of everything going on, what do the bird’s calls mean, is there danger ahead? Where is water available, what can I eat, where can I safely rest, where can I find medicine? Like all wild animals, we all have these abilities we have just forgotten. 


At Project Rewild

We want to help everyone to Rewild, to trust their instincts fully. Through practice and guidance, you can once again re-establish your connection with the natural world, helping you to become more aware, more balanced and attuned, to once again feel your true wild nature.

Connection to what?

Nature Connection is often used as a term to describe a closer relationship or connection with nature or the natural world of which we are a part of. But what are we connecting to? when we feel these deeply connected, alive and present moments, a deeper connection, what is it? This is a very emotive subject and talk of spirituality can be controversial. but it is important to explain our view on this at Project Rewild.

Firstly, Project Rewild has been set up to be accessible to all, to reach as many people as possible. We actively try to avoid any direct association to any specific spiritual or religious belief or teachings. Some of our staff have trained and practiced various forms of shamanic teachings which undeniably have a huge effect on their lives and the way they personally interact with the natural world and the way they facilitate groups. Our founder Luke Funnell trained in the teachings of Thomas Brown Jr for many years.

We want to create a space which will allow people an opportunity to feel closer to nature, to create deep emotional connections with the natural world. We want people to fully engage with nature trough their senses. We want to help people trust their own natural instincts, their own true wild nature. When we do this, we feel present, alive, full, we feel natural, a sense of freedom and truth. We want to bring people back into relationship with nature.

Beyond this, what you feel is yours, we do not tell you what to believe or not believe. If you feel a need to research, the changes in the neural pathways you have experienced or read about the latest neuroscience theories to explain what you have felt then this wonderful. If you tell us you met a blue deer during our drumming circle, that’s wonderful. If you heard God, if you separated from your physical body or sat with your ancestors. We will hold, listen and support. What you feel is yours. We do fully support everyone and try to ensure whatever has come up for individuals is heard and held responsibly and safely.